Amigos de Gunsaulus

Join ADG!

Amigos de Gunsaulus (ADG) promotes community engagement and support Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy parents,
teachers, students and their families, administrators, and staff.


Creating Equal Opportunities
for our School Community

Amigos de Gunsaulus (ADG) is a all volunteer parent-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID#82-1015783). It was established in 2017 for the sole purpose of raising funds and provides volunteer assistance to support Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy. ADG has been created to assist with, supplement, and maintain the educational programs for our students to ensure that we enrich their educational experience.

ADG embraces Gunsaulus’ mission, dedicating our life to nurturing and developing a community of passionate, loving, and respectful life-long learners who empower themselves as global citizens.

Amigos de Gunsaulus

What We Do & How We Help

All Gunsaulus parents are automatically members of ADG. Amigos De Gunsaulus is an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

Fundraising events and grants are the primary source of funding. Amigos De Gunsaulus invites our students, families and the broader community to learn more about its work. Please consider making a donation and join “Amigos” in making student success our mutual goal.

Enrichment Opportunities

Educational Field Trips

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Activities

Letters to Santa

Amigos de Gunsaulus

Volunteer with Us

Parent Volunteers are the heart and soul of GSA. ADG loves parents and community volunteers! Being a volunteer is a way to positively impact GSA students’ experience. It is a good way of connecting with other parents, administration, and educators and expand your social networking.

Parents are always needed in so many ways and areas including but not limited to fundraising, chaperoning dances, field trips, and any other school events and the list goes on!

Help Us To Do More

Donate Today

Donating to GSA could take many forms and be targeted to specific needs and causes.

The financial support that we received from parents, community members ans sponsors makes an impact and goes to support:

  • Educational Field Trips (Washington D.C.; Denver, Colorado; Busan, South Korea; Camping trips, and much, much more…)
  • Enrichment Activities: Selective Enrollment Preparation Classes
  • Letters to Santa: Christmas presents for Pre-K to 2nd grade students.
  • Educators Appreciation Activities: Sponsors teacher appreciation week activities, end of the year celebrations.
  • Students End of the Year Celebrations: Paletas for each students as appreciation for finishing their school year.


Community Partners & Sponsors

We thank our Community Partners, Individuals & Sponsors for supporting us in many ways. Local businesses, organizations and individuals support ADG by sponsoring events, donating goods and services.

be part of Amigos de Gunsaulus

Partner with Us

Is your business or organization interested in partnering with us? To find out how to make an impact to Gunsaulus Academy and in return receive benefits, please contact

This is the logo site

We Work for You

Help to empower individuals and communities to achieve structural changes in Latin America.